pühapäev, 16. august 2015

Näitus "Pakrilaste kallisvara" Harjumaa muuseumis / Exhibition of Swedes from Pakri Islands, Harjumaa county museum, Estonia

Harjumaa muuseumis Keilas avati 30. juulil väga huvitav näitus Pakri saartelt pärit esemetest ja fotodest "Pakrilaste kallisvara", millega meenutatakse 80 aasta möödumist Pakri muuseumi avamisest. 

Suur osa näitusest on pühendatud ka niplispitsile. Näitusel olevad fotod on erakogudest.

Näitus jääb avatuks kuni 5. juunini 2016. Lähemalt:http://www.hmk.ee/naitused/pakrilaste-kallisvara/

Näitust pildistas Priit Halberg


In the museum of Harjumaa county, Keila, Estonia a very interesting exhibition was opened on July 30. It depicts the life of so called coastal Swedes who lived on the islands of Pakri, Estonia, until almost the end of the II World War when they left to Sweden in order to escape the occupation of the Soviet Union.
A section of this exhibition is about bobbin lace making that was very important part of handicraft for the women living on these islands. The exhibition will be opened until June 5, 2016.
Photos at the exhibition are from private collections.

The exhibition was photographed by Priit Halberg

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